3-day training on food processing held in Guwahati

Department of Industries & Commerce, Government of Nagaland under the financial assistance and support of Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority (APEDA) conducted a three-day food processing training on value addition of fruits, vegetables and under-utilised fruits of the North Eastern Region (NER) at Indian Institute of Food Processing Technology (IIFPT), LO, Guwahati from January 28 to 30.

According to a press release, the three-day training covered theory and practical demonstration on value addition of fruits and vegetables, spices and bakery products.

Resource persons from IIFPT spoke on the scope and importance of food processing focusing on NER, technical and demonstration session of value addition of fruits, vegetables and spices, bakery products.

It may be noted that the department envisages to encourage prospective entrepreneurs to take up more food processing activities in the state while capacitating and developing skills among trainees in food processing and provide quality exposure.

Altogether, 20 local entrepreneurs/exporters from Nagaland attended the training.

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