A team of Telangana police visited Telugu actor Allu Arjun’s house on Monday. They served a legal notice to the actor. It said that Allu will have to appear at the Chikkadapally police station in Hyderabad on Tuesday. Allu has kept his word, assuring full cooperation in the investigation. The actor appeared at the police station on Tuesday morning. On Sunday, a mob vandalized the actor’s house following a stampede outside the theatre. The producers of the film ‘Pushpa 2’ extended financial assistance to the family of the woman who died in the incident.
A 35-year-old woman died in an accident that took place at the Sandhya Theatre during the premiere of the film ‘Pushpa 2-The Rule’ on the night of December 4. Her 8-year-old son Sai Tej was rescued with serious injuries. He is currently undergoing treatment. The Hyderabad police filed an FIR in the wake of the incident. On the morning of December 13, the Revanth police arrested Allu from his house. An FIR was filed against seven people, including Allu. The lower court judge ordered the actor to be remanded in jail for 14 days. However, the actor approached the Telangana High Court on the same day, challenging the verdict.
After that, he was granted interim bail on a bond of Rs 50,000. This time, producers Naveen Yarneni and Ravi Shankar gave financial assistance of Rs 50 lakh to the family of the deceased woman. They handed over this money to the deceased’s husband. Producer Naveen said, “What happened is unexpected and sad. We are also deeply shocked by this incident. Revathi’s death is a great loss to her family. Her son is still undergoing treatment. Doctors are trying everything. In such a situation, we wanted to stand by the family. This financial assistance is a small effort.”