7 militant groups to surrender in Assam

The People’s Democratic Council of Karbi Longri (PDCK) and  six other banned militant outfits are all set to lay down arms in Karbi Anglong on February 25, the day Union Home Minister Amit Shah’s will visit the hills autonomous district.

It is pertinent to mention here that the Union Home Minister will visit Karbi Anglong autonomous district at Dengaon in eastern part of the district and address a public rally. Meanwhile The People’s Democratic Council of Karbi Longri has acknowledged a one-sided truce with the Centre on Thursday and has opted for surrender.

Through a press statement, the outfit’s chairman JK Lijang has stated that his organization has decided to declare “unilateral cessation of hostilities to give forward motion to resolve the vexed political conflicts among all stake holders”. Lijang expressed hope that the Centre would respond with “seriousness and sincerity” to arrive at an amicable political situation.

Meanwhile  People’s Democratic Council of Karbi Longri which has close proximity with authorities has put forward a communication addressed to Shah urging for the creation of an autonomous state for the Karbi tribal community maintaining that it is the only ‘viable’ solution towards harmonious coexistence between the hill tribes and the plain people.

In another development, government authority has also called on the United People’s Revolutionary Front (UPRF) and Dimasa National Liberation Front (DNLF) to lay down arms. Both the outfits have been active in the hills of Assam since 2018.

Earlier in November 2020, police arrested the self-styled general secretary of the outfit,  Nongme Tungjang alias Sanjib Phangcho, with arms from Thekerajan area under Bakalia police station.

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