After SS Rajamouli and Ram Charan, Arjun Reddy actor Vijay Deverakonda took “The Real Man Challenge” and he shared snippets from his day in the form of a video on Instagram. On Saturday, Vijay shared a video on his social media handles and he nominated Dulquer Salmaan to take the challenge. In the video, Vijay could be seen helping out with the chores. From cleaning to cooking, he did it all. However, if there’s one thing that he nailed – it would be his homemade mango ice cream. In the video, he revealed that he is trying out a recipe that was suggested to him by a friend. Sharing the video on Instagram, he wrote: “Bits of my day in lockdown. Be the real man, challenged by Koratala Siva Sir. I would like to extend it to Dulquer Salmaan.”