Awareness on ‘drug abuse prevention’ held in Tuli: Nagaland

Yimkümmer Welfare Society (YWS) in collaboration with department of social welfare, government of Nagaland organised a seminar on awareness on “drug abuse prevention” at Yimkümmer House, Tuli on March 3, 2021 with ADC Tuli, Imsongmeren as guest speaker and social worker and author, Dimapur, Maong Jamir as resource speaker.

The topics covered were “issues related to drug abuse and alcoholism” and “basics on drug abuse and alcoholism.”

Valuable inputs on the subject were also contributed by program coordinator, youth mission Kohima, Sanen and residential counselor, grace rehabilitation home Tuli, Kilang Imsong.

The seminar was attended by SDPO Tuli, all ward chairman and representatives from 11 wards of Tuli Town, pastors of Tuli Lenten Baptist Church, Aitlenden Baptist Church, Luyong Baptist Church and youth and adolescents from several churches led by youth pastors. 

The purpose of this seminar was to sensitise and create awareness about the roles and responsibilities of stakeholders on drug abuse and to share information on primary prevention. 

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