Bollywood actors react on May 4 video of two women paraded naked in Manipur

Northeast state, Manipur has been facing violence since May 3, since the day the state’s people has been suffering.

On Thursday, bollywood actors expressed shock over a May 4 video of two tribal women being paraded naked in strife-hit Manipur.

Akshay said he is “shaken and disgusted” to see the video of violence against women in Manipur.

Urmila tweeted, “Shocked, shaken, horrified at #manipur video n fact that it’s happened in May with no action on it. Shame on those sitting on their high horses drunk with power, jokers in media boot licking them, celebrities who r silent. When did we reach here dear Bharatiyas/Indians?”

Actor Riteish Deshmukh said he is “seething with anger”.

And many actors of bollywood have demanded strict and immediate action against the cruelty in Manipur.

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