Rishi Kapoor’s last rites were held at the Chandanwadi crematorium in Mumbai on Thursday afternoon, attended by family and a handful of close friends. Mr Kapoor, 67, died in the HM Reliance Foundation Hospital on Thursday. He battled cancer for the last two years. Several family members were pictured at the hospital on Thursday afternoon and later at the crematorium – among them were Mr Kapoor’s wife Neetu Kapoor, son Ranbir, brother Randhir Kapoor, niece Kareena, her husband Saif Ali Khan, nephews Armaan and Aadar Jain, and actress Alia Bhatt who is reportedly dating Ranbir. Abhishek Bachchan, son of Rishi Kapoor’s longtime friend and frequent co-star Amitabh Bachchan, industrialist Anil Ambani and filmmaker Ayan Mukerji, who is Ranbir’s closest friend, also braved the lockdown to visit the hospital and attend the funeral.