Filmmaker, Karan Johar, started and still keeps sharing videos, featuring his son Yash and daughter Roohi amid this lockdown which is undoubtedly give baskets of glittery cute sight to our feeds and his profile. KJo, who signs off his video with his signature “toodles,” posted a brand new video on Thursday, in which Roohi referred to him as “buddha.” Roohi and Yash can be seen goofing around at their favourite spot – KJo’s closet. In the video, Roohi points towards Karan Johar and says, “Your hair is white, you look like a buddha.” Karan Johar says, “What do I do, I can’t colour my hair. Its lockdown time.” Roohi schools KJo in an animated fashion and adds, “You can’t go out because of coronavirus.” Meanwhile, Yash is seen carrying his dad’s jacket in hand. When asked where is he taking it, the little one replied, “To London.” Sharing the video on Instagram, Karan Johar wrote: “He’s off to London and she has pronounced me elderly! Such is my life! #lockdownwiththejohars.”
Karan Johar Age Shamed By Roohi Hilariously.