Karisma Kapoor shared a throwback picture on her Instagram, which also features Govinda, from one of her film sets and asked her fans to guess the name of the film. In the old picture, Karisma and Govinda, who have co-starred in several films, can be seen posing against Eiffel Tower. She can be seen wearing a neon green shirt and mini skirt while Govinda can be seen sporting a blue-and-grey shirt and black trousers. Adding another memorable photo to her Instagram diaries, Karisma wrote: “Dancing around the Eiffel Tower. Hopefully, those carefree days will return again very soon. Which film is this picture from? #guessinggame #flashbackfriday #paris.” Many of her fans commented on her post that the picture is from her 1997 film Hero No. 1 and we also believe it was photographed on the set of the same film, which also featured Paresh Rawal.