Actress Karisma Kapoor has shared a cute picture of her nephew, Kareena Kapoor’s son Taimur. The little one is seen earnestly watching his cousin, Karisma’s son Kiaan at the latter’s taekwondo class through a video call.Karisma’s followers loved seeing Taimur’s picture. “So cute and adorable,” wrote one. “So cute MashaAllah,” read another comment.Taimur is currently in lockdown at his home with mum Kareena and dad Saif Ali Khan. When he is not crashing his dad’s television interviews, Taimur spends his days creating art with his parents. Kareena recently shared a photo of Saif holding up the family’s latest artwork. It was a large sheet bearing colourful stamps of their hands.On Mother’s Day, Kareena shared an adorable picture with Taimur on Instagram. In the picture, she was seen making a goofy face, sticking her tongue out. Taimur was seen imitating his mom as he tried to make horns by pointing his hands over his head.