Lilly Singh’s “Vulnerable Post” on International Women’s Day

Lilly Singh, who was diagnosed with ovarian cysts, has shared a “vulnerable post.”

She wrote in her post: “Vulnerable post. Today was a day filled with a lot of overwhelming things. I announced my new show, my TED talk released, my new book is releasing in a month and I won’t lie, I’m on my period and my hormones are raging (lol). It may seem that on a day like today, filled with joyous news, I would be filled with positivity. But the truth is, days like this are the most spiritually challenging for me. Because I have to remember not to attach my value to these things and that’s a lot of mental work.
I am more than a show. I am more than a performance. I am more than a best sellers list. I am a full human without these things. I can be grateful for them without becoming them.
So a reminder to you, that you are more than you probably give yourself credit for. You are a friend, a lover, a child, possibly a parent, someone people think about, a part of peoples best memories and worthy of space.
Thanks for letting me word vomit. This helped release a bit of my anxiety. Love and light to you my fellow lovely human ❤”

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