LSU dismayed at unsatisfactory ATM service

Lotha Students’ Union (LSU), Wokha has expressed serious concern over the “unsatisfactory ATM service” within its jurisdiction.

In a press release, LSU president, Ashanthung Humtsoe and assistant general secretary, B Mhajan Tsopoe stated that it was unfortunate to notice how many of the ATM booths were either out of service or out of cash. LSU pointed out that this compels consumers to stand in queue without maintaining social distancing at the ATM booth where cash was available.

LSU stressed that ATM service was a basic necessity for all and should not be ignored at any cost as consumers were paying service charge. 

With academic admissions and other academic related activities going on, the LSU stated that students’ activities should not be hampered while accessing ATM service.

It also called upon the concerned authority that the union would be compelled to initiate serious steps if the authority turned deaf ears towards the issue. 

Further, it appealed to the general public to cooperate and maintain social distancing as well as to be civic while accessing ATM service.

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