Maanvi Gagroo Calls Out Label That Casually Fat-Shamed Her.

Actress Maanvi Gagroo, best known for starring in Amazon Prime’s Four More Shots Please!, called out a fashion label for sharing a promotional post, featuring her photo, without her permission, and also for using a description that reeks of fat-shaming. On Thursday afternoon, Maanvi tweeted a screenshot of what appears to be a Facebook post by House Of Fett, in which the words “Styles to hide your curves” can be seen written underneath a photo of Maanvi, wearing a dress. Maanvi made a strong statement in her tweet, writing: “I didn’t wear this dress to ‘hide my curves’. Not only does the brand NOT have my permission to use my picture as a sponsored post, they definitely don’t have my permission to fat shame ANYONE! I stand against everything this distasteful tagline points to.”

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