It was 1:30 am on Wednesday. The silence of the night was at the ‘Satguru Sharan’ building in Bandra West. Suddenly, the darkness was pierced by the screams of a woman’s voice. Kareena Kapoor screamed after seeing an unknown person sitting in the hall of her house. The events that followed were a scuffle, knives, injuries and blood. Kareena’s husband and Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan was stabbed by a miscreant in his own house. He is undergoing treatment in a hospital with serious injuries.
Sources have informed that Kareena had gone to a party on Wednesday night. Saif and the rest of the family were at home. Kareena returned home from the party around 1:30 am. She was the first to see the attacker after entering the hall. She screamed after seeing the unknown person. Hearing her screams, a maid came out first. Her house is near the hall. She was the first to come forward to stop the attacker. At that time, Kareena quickly went inside the house with her son Taimur.
The Mumbai Police Crime Branch has identified the attacker after looking at the CCTV footage of Saif’s house. But he has not been arrested yet. He is being searched for. Along with this, the police are also questioning the family members. No one was seen entering the house on the CCTV till two hours before the main incident. According to police sources, the accused had already entered the house.
The police suspect that the attacker entered Saif’s house from the next house. He was sitting in his son’s room. The police have also learned that the attacker is a previous acquaintance of a servant of the house. He is being questioned. Saif is undergoing treatment at Lilavati Hospital in Mumbai. He was stabbed six times on his body. Some of the injuries are serious. The hospital authorities said that Saif has an injury very close to his spine. However, the actor’s condition is stable for now.