The trailer of psychological thriller ‘Mithya was released on Wednesday. The six-part series, which stars Huma Qureshi, Avantika Dassani, Parambrata Chatterjee, Rajit Kapur and Samir Soni, has been directed by Rohan Sippy.
The series will see Huma Qureshi playing the role of Juhi, a university professor, with Avantika Dassani as her student, Rhea Rajguru.
Their academic association soon spirals into a conflicted relationship leading to a psychological combat between the two. ‘Mithya’ takes a dark turn and threatens to engulf the two and everyone around them.
Talking about what appealed to her in the story, Huma said, “When I read the script of ‘Mithya’, I was immediately drawn to this world and all the layered characters. It was exciting to be a part of a genre like this and to play a Hindi professor, which is a first for me. I loved working with Rohan Sippy, Goldie Behl and all the actors, and I am hoping that ‘Mithya’ keeps you hooked just the way I was.”
Avantika, who makes her debut with the series, said, “I am so excited for a little piece of our series to be out and for the audience to know what they’re in for. Working on this series has been an institution of learning for me.”
“From Rohan sir’s thorough guidance to bring the well etched out Rhea from the script to screen or sharing space with phenomenal actors like Huma, Parambrata, Rajit sir and our whole cast, who have all been so giving and encouraging. As my first project, Mithya has been nothing short of a dream,” she added.
The series produced by Applause Entertainment in association with Rose Audio Visual Production will premiere on ZEE5 on February 18.
Recollecting his experience of shooting the series, Parambrata said, “Thrillers are the flavour of the season, but Mithya is unique, engrossing, and compelling. It was a treat to shoot in Darjeeling with a stellar cast and crew where we were all driven towards delivering one of the best dark psychological thrillers in India. I think we have done a pretty good job and we are now waiting for the audience’s verdict on February 18.”
Director Rohan Sippy said, “Mithya is a tense and dramatic thriller, playing out in a university where knowledge and truth is pursued, but each character deceives the other, us, and ultimately themselves… We hope Mithya will have audiences on the edge of their seat with constant twists, turns, revelations and consequences.”