
Mukhbir – The Story of a Spy is associate degree Indian spy-thriller original series directed by Shivam Nair and Jayprad Desai and made by Vaibhav Modi underneath the banner of Victor Tango diversion. The series is that the adaptation of Maloy Dhar’s novel, Mission to Kashmir: associate degree Intelligent Agent in Islamic Republic of Pakistan and stars Zain Khan Durrani, Prakash dominion, Adil Hussain, Barkha Bisht, Harsh Chhaya, Satyadeep Mishra, jewelry Thaangjam and Zoya Afroz within the important roles. The plot follows a emissary United Nations agency crystal rectifier Asian nation, Bharat, Asian country, Asian nation to evade many aggressive advances from the enemy country by providing intelligence and by serving to India avoid losing the 1965 war and finish in stalemate instead. The series can air on ZEE5 on St Martin’s Day 2022.

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