Prajna Dutta’s collection of poems and illustrations coming out this month

Singer, composer and songwriter Prajna Dutta is all set to add another feather to his cap with his debut collection of poems and illustrations. The theme of this book is love, loss and longing. According to him as a singer songwriter there are many experiences within an expression which need to be explored outside the musical realm hence it is for expressing these experiences he decided to explore the poetic and illustrative realm clinging on to the wings of his muse. The book, 5 Short of 3 dozen will be published by Wordphonics publications. Edited by Anindita Bose and Cover Art by Kushal Bhattacharya, the book has a preface by internationally acclaimed writer Mathura.M. Lattik, an introduction to the poems by acclaimed filmmaker Ashoke Viswanathan and Foreword by author and academician Professor Dr. Mahul Brahma. 5 Short of 3 dozen will be released by the end of February this year.

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