On their 9th wedding anniversary, south star Prithviraj Sukumaran shared a loved-up post for his wife Supriya on Saturday. The Indian Rupee actor is currently stranded in Jordan’s Wadi Rum desert, where he went to shoot his new Malayalam film Aadujeevitham, due to the coronavirus outbreak. Sharing a recent photograph of himself and Supriya, Prithviraj Sukumaran wished his wife in the sweetest way possible on social media. He wrote: “9 years. Apart for now…together forever!” and added the hashtag #LoveInTheTimeOfCorona. Supriya’s anniversary post featured a million-dollar picture of the couple from their wedding album, in which they look straight out of a fairy tale. She also accompanied her post with a heartfelt note, in which she revealed that this is the first time the couple are not celebrating their anniversary together. “Happy 9th anniversary, Prithviraj! First time in 9 years that we are spending the day apart! But what do? Waiting for you to come back soon and make this up to me!” she wrote.