Karan Johar’s kids Roohi and Yash are nothing but a sack of cuteness and apparently have a lot to say about their Dada. The filmmaker as usually he does these days, again shared another episode of “Lockdown With The Johars” with his twins stealing the show. In the video, the single-father can be seen asking his kids about their favourite animals but what he didn’t expect was perhaps Roohi’s prompt answer when asked which animal Karan Johar reminds them of. “If Dada was an animal, what would he be?” he asked his kids and got this in response: “Elephant!” Roohi even says: “Hello, elephant!” making KJo confess: “I’m crying now.” Karan Johar shared the ROFL video with these words: “Well guess which animal I remind them of?”
Roohi Again Stealing The Lockdown Show With her Cuteness.