Sampurna, is a drama TV series directed by Sayantan Ghosal and stars Sohini Sarkar, Rajnandini Paul, Anubhav Kanjilal, Prantik Banerjee, Laboni Sarkar and Rajat Ganguly, alongside other cast members. The series has 6 episodes, each with a runtime of around 25 minutes.
Tackling a subject as sensitive as marital rape with a strong female-centric narrative is not an easy task, but Sayantan Ghosal tries to weave a believable plot that slowly stretches across the span of six episodes. Sampurna isn’t very fast-paced, and has a decided weight to it. That weight often is depressing but aptly so. The subject tackled is extremely serious and the director puts a righteous amount of weight on it, but perhaps that is what makes this series a slightly triggering and disturbing watch.