In the many grief-stricken tweets shared after actor Rishi Kapoor’s death on Thursday, one particular film he starred in popped up often. Team Chandni is gone, social media rued, though far from forgotten. Rishi Kapoor, 67, died in a Mumbai hospital after two years battling cancer. Chandni (1989) is among the best-loved of his extensive filmography. Rishi Kapoor played one of the three lead characters in the Yash Chopra-directed film with Sridevi and Vinod Khanna. Mr Chopra died in 2012 of complications related to dengue; he was 80. Vinod Khanna died of cancer in 2017 in the same hospital as Rishi Kapoor – Sir HN Reliance Foundation. He was 70. Sridevi died suddenly and tragically the next year in Dubai where she was attending a family wedding. She drowned in the bathtub of her hotel room – Sridevi was just 54.