The trailer for the much awaited movie Eternlas has been released today.

The first teaser for Marvel Studios’ upcoming ensemble superhero movie Eternals is out on Monday. It has been directed by Chloe Zhao. Eternals picks up from the events that took place after the Avengers: Endgame . As the trailer begins, the Eternals can be seen secretly living on the Earth. The pack of Eternals is being led by Salma Hayek (Ajak). Throughout the trailer, she can be heard talking about how the Eternals have lived on the Earth for years but have never intervened in human activities “until now.” The film will feature the new set of superheroes fighting off their counterparts – Deviants – and protecting humanity. 

The trailer also features Kit Harington as Dane Whitman, who is a human warrior. Clearly, the makers have not pulled back any punches in delivering a one-of-a-kind ensemble superhero film with Eternals. What makes things even more interesting than this unlikely group getting together is the fact that Eternals has been helmed by Oscar-winning director Chloe Zhao. The combination of Chloe Zhao’s aesthetics and storytelling with such a diverse and interesting cast is bound to create some magic on the big screen.

At the end of the Eternals trailer, we see the heroes sitting around a table, with actor Harish Patel also with them. “Now that Captain Rogers and Iron Man are both gone, who do you think is going to lead the Avengers?” one of them asks. Richard Madden’s Ikaris replies, “I could lead them.” After a beat, everyone at the table erupts in laughter. Eternals will hit theatres in November this year.

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