The trailer of Nanpakal Nerathu Mayakkam provides USA a glimpse of a eccentric scenario that director Lijo Jose Pellissery has conjured up along with his film writer S. Hareesh. stellar Mammootty within the lead role, the film follows events during a quiet city, that is thrown into a state of disbelief once a dead man returns.
The trailer opens with a couplet from Thirukkural. The couplet describes falling asleep Associate in Nursingd awakening as an act of death and birth. Deciding from the trailer, it appears a drama organization is stranded during a village in state when their bus breaks down. One among the vital members of the organization, vie by Mammootty, takes a mid-morning nap and wakes up as a unique person. It appears he becomes the one who has passed on to the great beyond recently within the village. Is he possessed?