Sanjay Dutt’s daughter Trishala Dutt is missing mom Richa Sharma and her throwback post proves that. Trishala, is going to celebrate her 33rd birthday in August this year, and recently she dug out a fond memory featuring herself as a newborn baby and her mother Richa Sharma. Sharing the photo on Instagram, Trishala simply wrote: “Mom and I” and added 1988 as the year when this photo was clicked. That’s the year Trishala was born. Trishala Dutt is actor Sanjay Dutt’s daughter with his first wife Richa Sharma, who died of brain tumour in 1996. Richa Sharma featured in films such as Hum Naujawan, Anubhav, Aag Hi Aagand Sadak Chhap, to name a few.