On Friday, Varun Dhawan celebrated his 33rd birthday with his family in Mumbai amid the coronavirus lockdown. The actor, shared glimpses of his birthday celebrations on social media. From the cake he cut on the special occasion to all the wishes he received from his friends, Varun shared it all with his fans. The actor has now posted a photo of his “face after cake” and we just love it. Sharing the post, Varun Dhawan captioned it like this: “Tu hi das de (face after cake).” Soon, reacting to Varun Dhawan’s “after cake” look, his friends and co-stars like Arjun Kapoor, Katrina Kaif and Shraddha Kapoor dropped adorable comments for him on his post. While Katrina picked cake emoticons to use in her comment, Arjun Kapoor wrote this: “Yuppy boy.” Shraddha Kapoor commented: “Birthday boy.”