Life style

Bodycare International Ltd ropes in Kajal Aggarwal as a Brand Ambassador

Bodycare International Ltd ropes in Kajal Aggarwal as a Brand Ambassador

Bodycare International Limited recently announced Kajal Aggarwal as the brand ambassador of children's clothing. The company believes that this partnership with Agarwal will create a strong brand position in the market. Mithun Gupta, Director, Bodycare International Limited said, "We are delighted to welcome Kajal Aggarwal to the Bodycare family. Over the years, Bodycare International Limited has embraced comfort and perfect fit in all its products and we are confident that his association with our brand will help us reach a wider audience. Through her charming personality and impressive fan following, Kajol will help us build a strong connection with our…
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Why ‘Boycott Starbucks’ Is Trending On Twitter?

Why ‘Boycott Starbucks’ Is Trending On Twitter?

Coffeehouse Company Starbucks has filmed a new advertisement and released it on their social media platforms. The newly designed ad features a transgender woman who visits coffee house to meet her parents. The transgender woman was named as Arpit by her father but later on after realising the reality she named herself as Arpita and started dressing as a girl, due to which her father was disappointed and was not willing to accept her. But when she went to meet her parents in coffee outlet after a longtime, her dad orders the coffee, the Starbucks employee calls her name out…
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Gucci ropes in Alia Bhatt as the brand’s first global ambassador from India

Gucci ropes in Alia Bhatt as the brand’s first global ambassador from India

Actress Alia Bhatt has been appointed as Gucci's Global Ambassador. Gucci, a fashion industry, is an Italian high-end luxury fashion house based in Florence, Italy. “I’m honored to represent the house of Gucci not only in India but at a global stage. Gucci’s legacy has always inspired and intrigued me and I’m looking forward to the many sartorial milestones we create together,” said Alia.
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Shoppers Stop to open 12-15 department stores every year for next three years

Shoppers Stop to open 12-15 department stores every year for next three years

Shoppers Stop an Indian department retail chain has come up with a plan of expansion drive. The retail has decided to establish 12-15 department stores with every coming year this would be continued for the upcoming 3 years with the plan of further introduction of standalone beauty stores. “India is growing, the market is evolving and the opportunity is huge. “We have committed to open between 12-15 department stores every single year for the next three years and 15-20 beauty stores every single year for the next three years,” said Venu Nair, managing director and CEO, Shoppers Stop, at an…
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শীতকালে কাপড় থেকে বাজে গন্ধ দূর করার সহজ কিছু উপায়

শীতকালে কাপড় থেকে বাজে গন্ধ দূর করার সহজ কিছু উপায়

শীতের মরসুম চলে এসেছে। ধীরে ধীরে ঠান্ডার প্রভাব বাড়তে শুরু করেছে। মানুষ ইতিমধ্যে গরম কাপড় পরতে শুরু করেছে। তাৎপর্যপূর্ণভাবে, শীতের মৌসুমে, যখন আমরা কয়েক মাস ধরে আলমারিতে রাখা পুরানো শীতের কাপড় বের করি, সেই সময় ওই কাপড়গুলো থেকে অদ্ভূত একটা গন্ধ আসে। অনেক সময় দেখা যায় শীতের মৌসুমে বাতাস, আর্দ্রতা বা কাপড় পরিষ্কার না করার কারণে কাপড়ে ময়লা দুর্গন্ধ হতে থাকে। যদি আপনি আপনার কাপড়ের যত্ন সঠিকভাবে নেন তবে সেই ক্ষেত্রে কোনও আবহাওয়ায় জামাকাপড় থেকে কোনও গন্ধ আসবে না। শীতের মৌসুমে যদি আপনার কাপড়েও দুর্গন্ধ হয়। এই পর্বে, আজ আমরা আপনাকে সেই বিশেষ পদ্ধতি সম্পর্কে বলতে যাচ্ছি, যার সাহায্যে আপনি…
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Simple winter tips to remove strong smells from clothes in winter

Simple winter tips to remove strong smells from clothes in winter

The winter season has started. Gradually the effect of cold has started to increase. People already have started to wear warm clothes. Significantly, in the winter season, when we take out the old winter clothes which we kept in the cupboard for months. During that time a strange smell comes from those clothes. It is often seen that in the winter season, due to air, moisture or not cleaning the clothes, the clothes start smelling dirty. Wherein if you take care of your clothes properly. In this case, no smell will come from it in any weather. If your clothes…
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