There are several foods that help you stay hydrated and healthy during the monsoon season

Even with high humidity in the air during monsoon season, it’s essential to keep your body hydrated. The presence of pollutants in rainwater and weakened immunity also increases the risk of illness. Today, we’ll discuss some foods that can help you stay hydrated and healthy during monsoon. Consuming these foods can help maintain a healthy and robust body.

“Drinking water is essential:

During the monsoon season, people tend to drink less water, leading to dehydration. Therefore, it’s crucial to drink at least 8-10 glasses of water throughout the day. Additionally, drink buttermilk once a day, as it aids digestion and prevents diarrhea. Some people can also drink coconut water, which boosts immunity and provides natural electrolytes to hydrate the body. Alternatively, herbal tea made with basil, ginger, and mint can be consumed to enhance immunity.”

Fruits and Vegetables:

To take care of your body, you should eat fruits like apples, pomegranates, papayas, watermelons, oranges, and amla. These fruits fill the body’s need for water and vitamins. Additionally, locally grown seasonal fruits and vegetables must be consumed. These locally available fruits are more beneficial and have a higher water content. Cucumbers, tomatoes, bottle gourds, and leafy green vegetables are also great for hydration. To stay hydrated during the monsoon season, yogurt is a good source of probiotics, which keeps the digestive system healthy. Additionally, khichuri (a light and nutritious food made from rice and lentils) is considered a good food option during monsoon. Alongside, choose vegetables or masur dal soup with warming spices like ginger, garlic, and turmeric. These not only help with hydration but also aid digestion.

To avoid dehydration, wash all fruits and vegetables thoroughly before eating. Don’t consume too much of any specific food item. Avoid fried, spicy, and heavy foods, and refrain from caffeine and alcohol intake. Additionally, exercise regularly and drink plenty of water. In essence, the text advises maintaining a balanced diet, staying hydrated, and adopting healthy habits to prevent dehydration and stay healthy during the monsoon season.